[MacTUG] Tiger printing problem to AD Windows 2003 printers

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jun 13 14:06:43 EDT 2006

MacWindows. June 9, 2006 -- A reader who wishes to remain anonymous 
reports a known problem with Tiger printing to Active Directory 

     We have a problems connecting to Windows printers from Tiger over 
Active Directory on Windows 2003. This problem has been bugging us 
for some time now, as we have many hundreds of Macs in our company.

     I've recently raised this with some senior Apple UK people and 
they confirm the issue will not be fixed in a point release. That 
says to me that we will be waiting for the next major OS release 
before it's fixed. I did raise the fact that it worked in Panther 

     We have managed to briefly get around the NO_STATUS error, by 
connecting via Windows Printing.  The error seems to go away for us 
when we get the opportunity to enter an AD user name that doesn't 
have spaces in the name or special characters in the password.
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