[MacTUG] Verifies fix for AD Firewall problem with Active Directory, OS X

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Jun 1 11:07:44 EDT 2006

Ed, you may find this useful.

macwindows. June 1, 2006 -- Sebastian Hagedorn verified a fix listed 
on our Active Directory reports page. The problem is one of Mac OS 
X's Active Directory binding setup hanging with an unknown error in 
step 5 of 5. The problem occurs after a FireWall is installed.

Hagedorn said:

     Opening port 464 UDP saved my day. After reading the entry at 
MacWindows I opened port 464 UDP in our Cisco ACLs and now I can bind 
our Macs to AD.

     None of the Windows experts here were aware of this port, so it 
hadn't ever been opened.
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