[MacTUG] Update to OS X 10.4.7 didn't fix file share error

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jul 26 16:30:38 EDT 2006

MacWindows. July 25, 2006 -- Ramon Richie says that the most recent 
Mac OS X 10.4.7 update did not fix a Windows server file sharing 

     I still get this dreaded "Delete / Fix Alias" message when 
browsing to a Windows share (even on a WinXP Pro machine) or that the 
password/username is incorrect when I use the connect... smb://ipnr 

     I started with 10.4.3 on this laptop and sometimes wish I had 
never upgraded. Not that you can do anything about it, but I'm really 
starting to hate Tiger in this regard. Stuff that's working fine on 
Panther is broken time and time again on Tiger. Running 10.4.7 now on 
a TiBook 400.

     As a solution I just end up using FTP for transferring stuff. 
Since the network administrators at work don't want to know about 
Macs, there is no way they are going to change anything so that 
"faulty" Tiger can connect.

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