[MacTUG] MacTug Meeting on Tuesday

rcrispin at watarts.uwaterloo.ca rcrispin at watarts.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Jul 21 10:50:39 EDT 2006

Hi All
We have a MacTug meeting scheduled for Tuesday. I do not know if I will be able
to make it. My van broke down in the middle of Utah and I need to get a new
engine in it. If it actually gets finished today then I will be there otherwise
it will not get finished until Tuesday (Monday is Founders Day holiday in Utah).

Glenn brought up getting a site license for Parallels. This would be a good
thing to discuss. I think SJU would use some (at least 3 now but more later).
Glenn maybe you could take a quick look at the costs or perhaps Sandra if she
has time and let people know.


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