[MacTUG] Reader problem with Xserve authentication to AD

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Jul 7 16:18:34 EDT 2006

MacWindows. July 7, 2007 -- Tim Sherratt reports a problem with 
Active Directory authentication of his Xserve. He also has a 

     We have a Windows 2003 SBS server and an Xserve running Mac OS X 
10.3.9, and are having problems using the SBS Active Directory to 
provide authentication to the Xserve. We have had this setup and 
working but after 15minutes the Windows clients were failing to 
connect properly.

     It does, however, working fine by unbinding from the domain and 
using local groups with the same username and password.

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