[MacTUG] Notes on MacBook Pro 'Whine' fix

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jul 4 11:50:53 EDT 2006

 From xlr8yourmac:

- (Corrected link to the referenced debug download)

     "Mike, Whine Fix that worked for me:
     (clip from an Apple forum post)

     "I don't think I've ever been this excited about something, which 
might say something about what my activities (or lack thereof).
     What I did was I installed the Mac OS X 10.4.5 8G1454 
IOUSBFamily.kext 2.4.0 System Update for iMac with Intel Core Duo and 
MacBook Pro. The file can be found here:
     (Note: There's a typo in that link URL (ubdebug.html should be 
usbdebug.html) - here's the OS X USB debug kits downloads, 
that has the referenced file listed down the page.-Mike)
     Download the 'v 240.4.3' file, run it, and install the package 
that DOES NOT have the '-log' ending. That is, run 
IOUSBFamily-240.4.3.pkg and NOT IOUSBFamily-240.4.3-log.pkg. Restart 
your computer, and the whine will be gone. You do not need to run 
photobooth or do any known workaround to quiet it down...
     Also, I think you might need 10.4.7 installed first. It is not an 
installation requirement, but I believe it is a requirement for the 
fix to work. I have 10.4.7 installed on my 2.16 MBP 15". 

     It worked for me! Thanks!
     -William R."

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