[MacTUG] Mac OS X 10.4.x Tiger and Active Directory (#2): Apple aware of, and working on bugs

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jan 24 11:59:16 EST 2006

 From MacFixit:

We continue coverage of a broad range of issues with Macs bound to 
Active Directory services and Mac OS X 10.4.x (Tiger).

Most of the issues center around login and password issues --- either 
rejection of correct login information or unexpected logouts from the 
Windows (or Mac) Active Directory service.

MacFixIt reader David Stolarsky reports that Apple technical support 
has confirmed awareness of two issues with Active Directory 
connectivity, and is working on the issues.

David writes:

"I'm setting up a new Mac OS X 10.4.4 Server against a campus-wide 
Active Directory, and I'm having issues recognizing Active Directory 
groups properly. Authentication works, but I only see the correct set 
of groups for a specific user in the workgroup browser. Access to 
folders and output of the 'groups" command reflect only a subset of 
an AD user's actual groups.

"Here is what an Apple employee had to say about the issue:

"There are two bugs here:

     * "Groups", and commands like it (e.g. id) are using older APIs, 
they need to be updated to use memberd --> Apple is aware of this one 
and working on a fix for a software update
     * The Active Directory plug-in is incorrectly determining group 
membership (similar to the bug affecting "groups" and "id") --> Apple 
is aware of this one and working on a fix for a software update

Meanwhile, in our separate Mac OS X 10.4.4-specific coverage of 
Active Directory issues, we note that a previously published 
workaround involving unbinding then re-binding of client systems has 
been proven successful with more users.

Make it a great day!
Marlon A. Griffith
Architecture Computing and Media
School of Architecture
University of Waterloo
519-885-1211 x7651
m3griffi at architecture.uwaterloo.ca
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