[MacTUG] MacWindows tip: Unix techique for AD login spinning beach ball

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Feb 9 11:31:13 EST 2006

February 9, 2006 -- Fabien Hory uses Unix commands in Terminal to 
work around the problem of the spinning beach ball at Active 
Directory login:

     I also have sometimes this problem with 10.3.9 machines (not 
10.4) and here is how I resolved it (for a while because it comes 
back sometimes).

     To unlock the Mac : SSH with root from another machine and kill 
the loginwindow process ("ps -aux | grep login" to find the PID and 
then "kill -9 this PID").

     Login with the local administrator on the Mac and delete the 
com.apple.LaunchServices.6B.csstore file in the /Library/Caches 
directory and reboot the Mac.

By "SSH with root from another machine" he means login to the Mac 
from another computer. Mac Help describes this (search for "SSH" in 
Mac Help).

Make it a great day!
Marlon A. Griffith
Architecture Computing and Media
School of Architecture
University of Waterloo
519-885-1211 x7651
m3griffi at architecture.uwaterloo.ca
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