[MacTUG] Bug in 10.3.9 when making asr disk images

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Sep 1 15:47:11 EDT 2005

Carbon Copy Cloner (CCC) and Disk Util use the command line tool 
hdiutil to create asr disk images. They are used in netbooting to 
rebuild client machines.

In 10.3.9, this hdiutil has a bug which prevents it from asr(ing) a 
disk volume of more than 8 GBs. You will see the following error 
message, "hdiutil convert failed - image/device is too large." I ran 
into this bug when backing up my servers. CCC will stop and leave a 
perfectly good diskImage.sparseimage file behind. However, not the 
asr version of the volume.

hdiutil works find on previous version of 10.3. Therefore, I created 
a small partition which runs a basic 10.3.8 with CCC and used that to 
produce the asr disk images. It worked!

P.S. I found this solution on MacOsXHints:

Make it a great day!
Marlon A. Griffith
Architecture Computing and Media
School of Architecture
University of Waterloo
519-885-1211 x7651
m3griffi at architecture.uwaterloo.ca
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