[MacTUG] Apple Issues

Richard Crispin rcrispin at watarts.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Nov 30 11:11:41 EST 2005

Hi Randy
At our MacTug meeting the following are issues that we would like to 
discuss with you in Jan/Feb.
1) Training - People would like to have more local training on 
various Apple topics but mostly related to Xserves and OS X Server. 
One of the major issues is the cost and having to go to Toronto.

2) The people who are managers of Mac Labs or Dept/Faculty Mac 
facilities would like to be able to get free or cheap copies of Apple 
software. We often get asked questions or need to provide support for 
software that we do not have. It would be nice if Apple had a Mac 
Managers Bundle that contained single copies of things like iWork, 
iLife, etc. The issue then becomes in keeping the software up-to-date.

3) We have had alot of interest from various groups on iPods and 
podcasting so a workshop on this would be useful.

4) We would like to have a single UW wide support contract to allow 
the Mac Managers to be able to get tech support.

5) People are needing a lot of help with getting OS X Server to work 
properly with Active Directory especially with populating fields. 
People would like a workshop on this specificially.

I hope giving you this info now will help make our Jan or Feb meeting 
very productive.

You might notice I have also sent this to our Mac Managers mailing 
list. This is so everyone is informed.

Richard Crispin
Information Systems Admin   e-mail:rcrispin at watarts.uwaterloo.ca
St. Jerome's University     phone:Days (519)884-8111 ext. 8260
200 Westmount Rd.           FAX:(519)725-0015
Waterloo, Ont.  N2L 3G3
When I die I'd like to die the way my grandfather died, peacefully in
his sleep...      ... not screaming and shouting, like his passengers.

"Boot, you transistorized tormentor! Boot!"~Archibald Asparagus, VeggieTales

"Time, heat and pressure.
   The same things that make a diamond also make a waffle."~Scott Meyer

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