[MacTUG] OS X 10.4.3 out

Glenn Anderson anderson at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Nov 1 10:48:58 EST 2005

What's new in this version:

Finder and Spotlight
	• 	Improves responsiveness during Spotlight searches in the Finder.

	• 	Spotlight comments entered in the Finder are now preserved when 
using iDisk syncing.

	• 	Get Info windows correctly display non-Roman language versions and 
copyright strings.

	• 	Improves the alert that appears when replacing an item during a 
copy when the capitalization of the items' names is the only 

	• 	Permissions for items inside packages are now correctly set when 
applying permission changes to enclosed items in the Finder Info 

	• 	Items copied into a Drop Box have permissions set correctly.

	• 	Addresses an issue in which Spotlight cannot find a file after 
using iPhoto to rename it if the filename originally contained an 
ampersand (&).

	• 	 The Spotlight image indexer now uses the "Software" TIFF property 
to support graphics rendering and image editing applications that use 
this property.

Safari, Internet, and networking
	• 	Safari can now pass the "Acid2" test.

	• 	Improves compatibility of Safari with many webcams.

	• 	Improves the handling of Hebrew and Arabic text in Safari and Mail.

	• 	Improves compatibility for OpenGL-accelerated Macromedia Shockwave 
3D webpage content when using Safari.

	• 	Addresses an issue in which an SMB volume might not mount again 
after it's unmounted.

	• 	Addresses some issues in which the Finder might not be able to 
connect to an SMB volume.

	• 	Bluetooth Setup Assistant now lets you toggle the Modem menu extra 
on or off (you can also use System Preferences).

	• 	Resolves an issue in which Internet Connect wouldn't connect to a 
dial-up ISP if the account password contained a double-quote (") 

	• 	Improves compatibility with Squid proxy servers.

	• 	With this update, you no longer need to store Address Book contact 
URLs in the Notes field when syncing with .Mac.

	• 	Mac sync error alerts now provide a better description of the issue 
(for more details about a .Mac sync error, see the dotmacsync.log 

	• 	Allows your Address Book contacts that are organized in subgroups 
to be synced to an iPod using iTunes.

	• 	Addresses an issue in which Mail might prompt you to download items 
attached to an IMAP email message more than once.

	• 	In the Fonts & Colors preferences in Mail, you can now customize 
the font used in the list of Mailbox names.

	• 	Smart Mailboxes that use "Entire Message Contains" and another 
criteria with the "any" qualifier now work as expected.

	• 	Smart Groups of addresses can now be dragged from Address Book to a 
message's To, Cc, or Bcc field.

	• 	The number of messages in a Smart Mailbox are now displayed in the 
title bar.

	• 	Pressing Tab while composing a Mail message now inserts a tab 
character, instead of four spaces.

	• 	Accounts created in Mail after installing this update will avoid an 
issue in which .Mac mail could not be sent if the Internet Service 
Provider blocks port 25.

	• 	Reduces the amount of blank lines Mail might insert into a message 
when forwarding or replying to it.

	• 	Addresses an issue in which some Mail rules could be lost or 
duplicated after a .Mac sync.

	• 	Addresses in the "To:", "Cc:", "Bcc:" fields, as well as the 
Accounts pop-up menu, no longer appear in red if the address is in a 
different lettercase than what is entered in the "Mark addresses not in 
the domain" field; for example, "Mac at MAC.Com" will no longer be marked 
in red if the "Mark addresses not in the domain" field contains 

	• 	Searches of "All Mailboxes" can now, optionally, include items from 
Junk and Trash.

	• 	Resolves an issue in which meeting requests sent from Microsoft 
Outlook to an Exchange account in Mail might not appear.

	• 	iChat preferences now allow you to display emoticons (such as a 
smiley face) as text (such as " :-) ") instead of as a graphic.

	• 	Resolves an issue in Activity Monitor in which you might see 
"iChatAgent (Not Responding)" in red text, even though iChat works just 

	• 	Addresses a "No data has been received for the last 10 seconds" 
alert that could often appear when participating in a video chat in 
iChat with someone using AIM on a PC.

	• 	.Mac members can enable encrypted chat sessions after installing 
this update.

	• 	Further addresses potential causes of persistent "insufficient 
bandwidth" alerts.

Other applications
	• 	Disk Utility can verify the Mac OS X 10.4 startup volume with this 

	• 	Many improvements for Calculator are included, such as: A black 
triangle icon no longer appears below "Infinity." Calculator now 
filters out unusable characters when pasting from the Clipboard, 
certain "rounding error" issues are addressed, and other issues.

	• 	Addresses an issue in which iCal could not publish or subscribe to 
a secure URL if your password contained a question mark (?).

	• 	Addresses an issue in which Preview might only print the first page 
of a multipage TIFF document.

	• 	Keychain Access searching is no longer case-sensitive after 
installing this update.

	• 	This update allows Keychain Access to directly import .pkcs12 files.

	• 	 X11 windows no longer stay in the background after selecting the 
X11 application from the Dock or with Application Switcher.

	• 	Software Update now lets you know when only ignored (hidden) 
updates are available for installation.

	• 	Addresses an issue in which incoming faxes are saved as "from 
unknown" PDF files.

	• 	Addresses an issue in which some Traditional Chinese input methods, 
such as Pinyin, limit the number of candidate characters presented in 
the candidate window.

	• 	Resolves an issue for Palm Desktop software in which the Command-Q 
keyboard shortcut would sometimes not quit the application unless it 
was pressed a second time.

	• 	Improves compatibility with Microsoft IntelliPoint mouse modifier 
clicking; that is, mouse buttons configured to act as a Control-click 
or Command-click, for example.

	• 	Improves window scrolling when dragging an item into a window 
that's viewed as a list, where not all of the list is visible.

	• 	Improves compatibility with Microsoft Word and Excel 2004, 
addressing an issue in which the application could stop responding for 
several seconds.

	• 	Addresses an issue in which cases and/or specific user conversion 
dictionaries could be disabled after upgrading to Tiger.

	• 	Addresses performance issues affecting three AppleScript commands: 
do shell script, system info, and delay.

	• 	The Core Data framework has been updated to improve relationship 
management issues, resolve issues with data migration, improve Undo and 
Redo commands, and improve insertion performance.

	• 	Resolves a potential redraw issue in which an application window's 
scroll bars could appear in the wrong place.

	• 	Allows Apple Wireless Keyboards to work in single-user mode.

	• 	Addresses an issue in which high ASCII characters in a password 
could lead to a blue screen at startup, or prevent log in.

	• 	MS-DOS-formatted volumes, including the iPod Shuffle, perform 
better and consistently mount (become available) in the Finder.

	• 	Improves results when printing to an optional envelope feeder on 
some printers.

	• 	Disables Quartz 2D Extreme—Quartz 2D Extreme is not a supported 
feature in Tiger, and re-enabling it may lead to video redraw issues or 
kernel panics.

	• 	Includes previous standalone security updates.

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