[MacTUG] UPSes for Dual Processor G5s

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jun 14 09:15:45 EDT 2005


What would you suggest as a good UPS for our dual processor G5s? They 
have these specs:
- dual processors draw 9.5 A
- our voltage: 120V
- VA becomes 1140 VA which is a heck of a lot of power.

We also have about 45 G5s. It would be good if we could find a model 
that could handle a least two of them.

Thanks in advance.

Make it a great day!
Marlon A. Griffith
Architecture Computing and Media
School of Architecture
University of Waterloo
519-885-1211 x7651
m3griffi at architecture.uwaterloo.ca

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