[MacTUG] AFP over SSH on Panther

Marlon A. Griffith m3griffi at engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Dec 5 15:21:35 EST 2005

is only possible to a Panther Server from a client.

I had observed while afping through the gui, i.e. "connect to 
server..." that I would get this error message:
Can't make a secure connection to Bender:
The server Bender does not support secure connections via SSH.
To connect with reduced security, click Continue.

I found it on this article from macosxhints: 

Here is the quote:
I was having this issue as well. It turns out that AFP over SSH 
connections were _never_ working, but MacOS X wasn't informing the 
user that it was an unsecure connection! This failure to notify has 
been corrected in 10.3.4.
Here's the answer I found:

in http://www.macintouch.com/panreader33.html, Daniel Figucio writes:

"Only Mac OS X Server can be connected to via AFP over SSH - AND you 
have to enable it at the server end. You cannot connect to a Mac OS X 
Client with AFP over SSH. What used to happen was that the attempted 
connection would fail and it would connect without using SSH without 
letting you know. Now it lets you know... So in reality, its a 
feature improvement, as it plugs a security issue."

So that addresses the question about what was going on. But it leaves 
me wondering if there is no secure way to remotely connect to my home 
box through the GUI. I don't suppose there is any way to mount 
volumes on the remote connecting machine through any other sharing 
system (SMB, NFS, etc) without using AFP but still connecting through 
SSH? Or would I have to be running MacOS X Server?


Make it a great day!
Marlon A. Griffith
Architecture Computing and Media
School of Architecture
University of Waterloo
519-885-1211 x7651
m3griffi at architecture.uwaterloo.ca

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