Hey all,

I hope midterms went well for everyone. Now that we have some semblance of free time (haha) there are a few WiCS events coming up that everyone should come to!

Saturday, July 11th, 9am leaving from DC

There are still seats open for the bus to Alterconf, on Saturday, July 11th, leaving from DC at 9am. You can register for the bus here, and the conference here. The conference is pay what you can, and the bus is free! Alterconf is a traveling conference that provides safe opportunities for marginalized people and those who support them in tech. The conference highlights powerful voices and positive initiatives of local community members in the tech world.

Intersectionality Workshop:
Wednesday, July 15th, 6:30pm, MC 4041

WiCS is holding a workshop with WPIRG to discuss and learn more about intersectionailty. Intersectionality is the study of intersections between forms of systems of oppression, domination or discrimination. The workshop is being facilitated by Filzah Nasir. It is open to everyone, and there will be food, so bring your friends.

Big CSters Discussion: Intersectionality
Thursday, July 16th, 5:00pm MC5479

This Big CSters circle will continue the discussion from the workshop on Wednesday. If you can't make it to the workshop, and you still would like to learn about intersectionality, come join us for a debrief! If you can make it to the workshop, come to continue the discussion in a more personal and comfortable environment. This is a Big CSters event and is thus women-only. There will also be food here.

WiCS Studies
Saturday, July 25th, 11:00am - 6:00pm, QNC1502

We may not want to admit it, but exams are right around the corner. Studying for finals can be super stressful, especially when you're doing it all alone in the library. Take a break from the hardcore study sesh and come work with other WiCS! We have booked QNC 1502 (a nice big room with outlets) where you can come to study all day. There will be snacks and coffee and upper-year students with experience who you can ask for help. This is a women-only event.

Good luck with the remainder of the term, I hope to see you all at our next events!

Fatema Boxwala, Chair
Women in Computer Science Undergraduate Committee 
David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science 

If you'd like more updates/information from WiCS: 
wics.uwaterloo.ca/ (you can view our calendar here! more events coming soon) 

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