Hi everyone!


WiCS is excited to hold several exciting events within the next few weeks and hopes that you can make it!


1. WiCS and UWARC Movie Night

Where: POETS, in CPH
When: Friday, February 27th, 7:00PM
What: Space Mutiny, a 1988 sci-fi movie

Come join us for a relaxing movie night at POETS! We will be watching the Mystery Science Theatre version of Space Mutiny. Grab some popcorn and get ready for the movie that was going to be the next Star Wars!

This will be a joint event held with the UW Amateur Radio Club. After the movie, feel free to join the radio club as they try out some new equipment.

2. Big CS-ter Discussion Circle:  De- stressing
Where: M3 2134
When: Thursday, March 5th, 6:00 - 8:00PM

We're revamping Big CSters! Instead of traditional one-on-one mentorships, Big CSters will be shifting to hosting discussion circles! 
The goal of these discussion circles is to provide a casual environment for students to meet and support one another while sharing a delicious meal. Every discussion circle will have a theme, and this event's theme is de-stressing.

3. Github and Website Workshop Hosted by WiCS
When: March 7th 12-5pm
RSVP: There are limited spots available! Please fill out the following form by February 28th. We will let you know if you've been selected by March 3rd. http://goo.gl/forms/ybYZ4uL8Ld

Interested in learning about web design, creating your own personal website, or learning about Github/git version control? Women in Computer Science is holding a workshop for female students to design and build a personal website and get familiar with Github. Come by for an afternoon of learning, coding, and snacking. Walk away with your own website, hosted on Github.

(Participants should have a basic knowledge of HTML/CSS before attending the workshop)

And just a reminder that our T-shirt designing contest is still going on!

4. T-Shirt Design Request
We'll be ordering t-shirts at the end of the month and are looking for a design for the shirt!
Please include the logo http://wics.uwaterloo.ca/images/logo.png, and send your design to wics.ugrad@gmail.com by March 1st
The person whose design is chosen will also receive a free t-shirt.
Note: We will be taking orders for shirts in the first week of March so get pumped!

Good luck on your midterms! Hope to see you soon!
Women in Computer Science Undergraduate Committee 
David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science 

If you'd like more updates/information from WiCS: 
wics.uwaterloo.ca/ (you can view our calendar here! more events coming soon) 

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