[QuIN-Lab] [QuIN-2017Win] 2017/01/21 Wk3 Weekly Report - Add Task Tracker items

Na Young Kim nayoung.kim at uwaterloo.ca
Sat Jan 21 08:22:59 EST 2017

Dear All,

The first three weeks have passed and I believe all regular members would
know what the term goals are and methodological plans are.

When I examined the task tracker items, in general, the schedules were set
too conservative ways. To me, there seems a big room to pull in the
schedule if you are in the full research mode. Again this is not the 9to6
M-F business. Often we have lab work and home work (reading, calculation,

Please add your task tracker in this week's weekly report so that we can
modify and add them in your individual meeting on Monday.

Looking forward to your responses,
Na Young Kim
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