Dear Colleague,

The series of workshops "Entangle This" aims to establish bridges between different areas of Physics and Mathematics through the concept of quantum entanglement. After a break due to the pandemic, the fifth edition of this series will take place from June 11 to June 17, 2023 in the Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual located in the Spanish Pyrenees. This edition focuses on the relationships between quantum many-body random systems, complexity, and quantum circuits. Our goal is to bring together international experts working at the interface between quantum information theory, condensed matter physics, quantum field theory and gravity, to exchange ideas and results in an informal setting. To facilitate discussions, there will be a poster session where everyone is invited to present their work. 

Invited speakers: D.A. Abanin, A.M. Alhambra, S. Boixo, F.G.S.L. Brandâo, E. Cáceres, J. Eisert, B. Fefferman, P. Fendley, M.P. Heller, T. Kohler, C. Lancien, A. May, R. Movassagh, I. Peschel, T. Prosen, L. Tagliacozzo, A. Tilloy, G. Vidal and T.V. Zache.

The workshop is now open for registration at, with deadline 10th of April. 
The Center of Benasque has a long tradition of hosting scientific meetings in a small town surrounded by mountains. For more information, see

Please contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to your participation,

A. Bermudez, E. Lopez, D. Perez-Garcia, G. Sierra and E. Tonni  (organizing committee)