Dear all, 

we are happy to announce that the registration for our workshop

CTP Quantum Information Days 2020 

20-22 April 2020, Center For Theoretical Physics, Warsaw (Poland)

is now open at 

The main aim of the CTP Quantum Information Days workshop, as a part of the Warsaw Quantum Information Week, is to bring together young researchers working in the widely understood fields of quantum information and foundations of quantum theory. We hope to inspire vivid scientific discussions and foster new collaborations. Young researchers will have the possibility of presenting their recent results in a form of a talk (approx. 20 minutes long) or a poster. A number of invited talks by widely recognized scientists of younger generation is also planned.  

Note that right after the workshop, there starts a complementary workshop Near-term Quantum Computing 2020

taking place at the same venue. 


February 23th 2020: Abstract submission for contributed talks closes

March 9th 2020: Final program announced

April 17th 2020: Registration closes

April 20th - 22th 2020: Conference



Remik Augusiak

Jarek Korbicz

Adam Sawicki