From: CoQuS <>
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019 8:13 AM
Subject: INVITATION CoQuS Summer School, September 2019, Vienna


Dear colleagues,

We would like to remind you to sign up for the “Complex Quantum Systems (CoQuS) Summer School 2019”. The summer school will be held in Vienna from 16 to 20 September 2019 and will feature a diverse program focused on the emerging field of quantum technologies.

Recently, we have added representatives from both Google and Rigetti to our list of speakers. Thus, our current roster of speakers consists of: Philipp Treutlein from the University of Basel, Oded Zilberberg from ETH Zürich, Bettina Heim, member of the team of Krysta Svore from Microsoft, Google, who will present a series of lectures on the current generation of quantum computers (dubbed NISQ) and their applications, and Rigetti, who will be giving a talk on their quantum hardware. 

In addition, several tech companies will be present and interacting with participants at the event. 

Finally, the program includes several networking and social events where researchers in all stages of their careers can meet and exchange their ideas. 

We would like to encourage PhD and master students to present their research in quantum science in the form of talks and posters

More detailed information can be found on our website:

Please register at your earliest convenience as places are limited. Deadline is 14 July 2019.

We hope to see you in Vienna!


The local organizing committee:
Kahan Dare (University of Vienna & IQOQI Vienna, ÖAW)

Andrew Niels Kanagin (ATI, TU Wien)

Frederik Møller (ATI, TU Wien)