From: Suzanne Andersen []
Sent: February-28-18 8:50 AM
Subject: Masterclass on Tensors: Geometry and Quantum Information, University of Copenhagen, June 18-22, 2018


Dear Colleague,


On June 18-22, 2018 the Center for the Mathematics of Quantum Theory (QMATH) at the University of Copenhagen organizes a Masterclass on Tensors: Geometry and Quantum Information. The QMATH Masterclass is part of Simons Program at the Niels Bohr International Academy (NBIA).


Confirmed speakers include:

·         Joseph M. Landsberg, Texas A&M University

·         Giorgio Ottaviani, Universita' degli Studi di Firenze

·         Peter Vrana, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

·         Michael Walter, University of Amsterdam


Read more and sign up by March 31, 2018:

There is some funding available for students' accommodation and a limited number of rooms available in nearby hotels at special rates.

We would be happy if you could forward this to potential participants.

A poster can be downloaded on the Masterclass website.


On behalf of the organizers,


Venlig hilsen/kind regards,

Suzanne Andersen
Centre Administrator

University of Copenhagen

Department of Mathematical Sciences
Universitetsparken 5,
DK-2100 København Ø
Office 04.2.15

TEL +45 35327057
