From: CoQuS []
Sent: May-18-17 8:56 AM
To: CoQuS <>
Subject: 2017 CoQuS and IMPRS-QST Vienna Summer School on Complex Quantum Systems


Dear Colleague/s,

We are pleased to announce the 2017 joint CoQuS and IMPRS-QST Vienna Summer School on Complex Quantum Systems at the TU Wien!


This year's edition will feature five series of lectures held by international experts on both theoretical and experimental quantum physics:

Antoine Browaeys (CNRS, FRA) -Ultracold Rydberg-Atom Interaction

Audrey Cottet (ENS, FRA) - Hybrid Quantum Circuits

Darrick Chang (ICFO, ESP) - Interfacing Light and atoms in nanophotonics

Nathan Goldman (ULB, BEL) - Quantum simulations of topological matter

Seth Lloyd (MIT, USA) - Quantum information and complex systems

The summer school is open to interested advanced undergraduates, graduates and junior post-docs with a good background in quantum physics. No extensive background in the specific field is required, since this school aims at giving an introduction to specialized topics in quantum physics. Each lecture series will consist of 3 lectures (1,5 hours each) respectively.

Participants are encouraged to present and discuss their own research during two dedicated poster sessions and student talks.  There will be a poster prize awarded for the best contribution. The registration fee for the summer school is 150 € and covers the conference dinner and coffee breaks. For information and registration visit our website.

The deadline for registration is 30 June 2017.

We have attached the summer school poster to the email. Please forward this email and distribute the poster to students/post-doc who would be interested.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us at in case you have any questions or comments.

Students can also approach us in case they need a formal invitation for visa purposes.

Thank you for your support and see you soon!

The summer school organisers:

Luke Masters, Daniele De Bernardis, Yijian Meng (CoQuS, Vienna)
Margret Heinze, Simon Weidinger (IMPRS-QST, Munich)