From: Antonio Acín []
Sent: June-22-16 11:07 AM
To: Flavio Baccari <>; Boris Bourdoncle <>; Alejandro Máttar <>; alexia Salavrakos <>
Subject: YQIS 2016.


Dear all,


We are pleased to announce the second edition of the international conference for Young Quantum Information Scientists (YQIS), that will

be held in Barcelona in October 2016 [ ] and organised by the Quantum Information Theory group at ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences. YQIS is dedicated to young fellows working in the field of Quantum Information Science. This conference will provide them with a great opportunity to present talks and posters, and will foster exchanges among PhD students and post-docs working in the various areas of Quantum Information. Moreover, they will also have the chance to attend three 1h lectures, by Sandu Popescu (University of Bristol), Christopher Monroe (University of Maryland) and Collin P. Williams (D-Wave sys), that will cover theoretical, experimental and innovative aspects of Quantum Information.


Important information:

- Dates and place: October 19th to 21st 2016, Col-legi Major de Sant Jordi, Barcelona (Spain)

- Website:

- Deadline for submissions: July 29th 2016

- Deadline for registration and payment: September 23rd 2016


We look forward to meeting you in Barcelona!


Best regards,


Flavio Baccari

Boris Bourdoncle

Alejandro Mattar

Alexia Salavrakos


Antonio Acin


Antonio Acin
ICREA Research Professor
ICFO-The Institute of Photonic Sciences
Mediterranean Technology Park
Av. Carl Friedrich Gauss, 3
08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain
T: +34 93 553 40 62
F: +34 93 553 40 00