From: Jason Crann []
Sent: April-28-16 1:23 PM
Subject: Workshop on Representation Theory in Quantum Information


We are pleased to announce the Workshop on Representation Theory in Quantum Information which will be held at the University of Guelph, Ontario, between August 22-25, 2016.

The purpose of the workshop is to stimulate interaction between researchers with different backgrounds, who are broadly interested in the applications of representation theory to quantum information.

Plenary Speakers:

Marius Junge (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Vern Paulsen (University of Waterloo & IQC)

Mary Beth Ruskai

Ivan Todorov (Queen's University Belfast)

Jon Yard (Microsoft)

The workshop website contains the registration details and will be updated shortly with travel and local info. The deadline for registration and abstract submission is July 1st, 2016.


Hope to see you there,

Organizing Committee
David Kribs, Rajesh Pereira, Jason Crann, Jeremy Levick