From: Dan Browne [] On Behalf Of Dan Browne
Sent: March-22-16 7:57 AM
To: Daniel Gottesman <>
Subject: Benasque Workshop on Fault Tolerant Quantum Technologies


Dear Daniel,


I hope you are well.


I wanted to write to draw your attention to the Benasque Workshop on Fault Tolerant Quantum Technologies which I am co-organising in August 2016.


We have an excellent list of invited speakers including 


- Sergey Bravyi (IBM, USA) 

- Krysta Svore (Microsoft, USA) 

- Jay Gambetta (IBM, USA) 

- Barbara Terhal (Aachen, Germany) 

- Steve Flammia (Sydney, Australia) 

- Hector Bombin (Copenhagen, Denmark)


We have had an excellent response to the meeting so far, but have decided to extend the submission deadline for talks to allow more participants to present their work. This deadline is now March 31st, and the early registration deadline is April 15th.


The meeting will have a relaxed schedule with a small number of morning talks reporting the latest advances while providing ample free time for researchers to exchange ideas and strike up new collaborations.


Please can you pass pass on this announcement to anyone in your institution who might be interested in attending?







Dan Browne


Department of Physics and Astronomy

University College London

Gower Street

London WC1E 6BT


Acting Director

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Delivering Quantum Technologies


Tel: 020 7679 3602









Department of Physics and Astronomy

University College London

Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT


Acting Director

EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Delivering Quantum Technologies