Dear Colleague,

We would like to bring your attention to the “It from Qubit" Summer School taking place at Perimeter Institute from July 18-29, 2016. 

In recent years, compelling evidence has emerged that information theory provides a powerful way to structure our thinking about quantum gravity and quantum field theory. In turn, fundamental physics provides new classes of fascinating questions for quantum information theorists to address.

In spite of these exciting developments, high energy physics and quantum information theory remain distinct disciplines and communities, separated by significant barriers to communication and collaboration. This school has been organized by the "It from Qubit" Simons Foundation Collaboration to promote communication and learning between the two research communities.  In particular we strongly encourage applications from interested students and junior researchers whose background is limited to either of the two fields but who are interested in reaching across disciplinary boundaries.  The school will include both lectures and hands-on tutorials.

More information about the event may be found at the website:

Please forward this message to potential participants.

We very much hope to see you at Perimeter this July.

With best regards,

Patrick Hayden, Stanford University
Matthew Headrick, Brandeis University
Alexander Maloney, University of Amsterdam
Donald Marolf, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
Rob Myers, Perimeter Institute
Mark van Raamsdonk, University of British Columbia
Beni Yoshida, Perimeter Institute

Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
31 Caroline St. N.
Waterloo, ON, Canada, N2L 2Y5