From: Graeme Smith []
Sent: November-04-15 11:32 AM
Subject: Quantum information positions at JILA and CU Boulder


Dear Colleagues,


I would be grateful if you could bring these positions to the attention of suitable candidates.


Many Thanks,


Graeme Smith





Graduate and Postdoctoral positions in quantum information science at JILA and CU Boulder


We are seeking exceptional candidates for postdoctoral and graduate student positions in theoretical quantum information and computer science, beginning in Fall 2016 or thereafter.   Successful candidates will join the new group of Graeme Smith ( and be members of both JILA and the Physics department at CU Boulder.   In addition to quantum information, there are many researchers at JILA working on related topics such as precision measurement, AMO physics, and nanoscience.  The ideal candidates will be able to interact fruitfully with a variety of other JILA members, as well as members of the recently established Center for the Theory of Quantum Matter.  


Postdoctoral candidates should have record of creative accomplishments in quantum information or allied areas.  Applications should include a CV, statement of research interests, 3 letters of recommendation, as well as a completed application form found at  .  Candidates should list Graeme Smith among the JILA fellows who should be alerted to their application.  Applications can be submitted according to the instructions at the website above.


Postdoctoral applications received by December 5, 2015 will receive full consideration.


Potential graduate students interested in working on quantum information and computing are encouraged to apply to the CU Boulder physics department.  Further information about the department and how to apply can be found at 


For further information about these positions, please contact Graeme Smith (