We have two PIQuDos seminars this week. 

The first seminar is on Wednesday, Oct 28th at 4pm in the Time room by Cyril Stark.

Title: Learning quantum models for physical and non-physical data

Abstract: In this talk I address the problem of simultaneously inferring unknown quantum states and unknown quantum measurements from empirical data. This task goes beyond state tomography because we are not assuming anything about the measurement devices. I am going to talk about the time and sample complexity of the inference of states and measurements, and I am going to talk about the robustness of the minimal Hilbert space dimension. Moreover, I will describe a simple heuristic algorithm (alternating optimization) to fit states and measurements to empirical data. For this algorithm the dataset does not need to be quantum. Hence, the proposed algorithm enables us to interpret general datasets from a quantum perspective. By analyzing movie ratings, we demonstrate the power of quantum models in the context of item recommendation which is a key discipline in machine learning. We observe that quantum models can compete with state-of-the-art algorithms for item recommendation. Based on joint work with Aram Harrow. Relevant preprints: arXiv:1412.7437 and arXiv:1510.02800.

The second seminar is on Thursday, Oct 29th at 4pm in the Time room by Benjamin Brown.

Title: Fault-tolerant error correction with the gauge color code

The gauge color code is a quantum error-correcting code with local syndrome measurements that, remarkably, admits a universal transversal gate set without the need for resource-intensive magic state distillation. A result of recent interest, proposed by Bombin, shows that the subsystem structure of the gauge color code admits an error-correction protocol that achieves tolerance to noisy measurements without the need for repeated measurements, so called single-shot error correction. Here, we demonstrate the promise of single-shot error correction by designing a two-part decoder and investigate its performance. We simulate fault-tolerant error correction with the gauge color code by repeatedly applying our proposed error-correction protocol to deal with errors that occur continuously to the underlying physical qubits of the code over the duration that quantum information is stored. We estimate a sustainable error rate, i.e. the threshold for the long time limit, of ~0.31% for a phenomenological noise model using a simple decoding algorithm.