From: Jordan, Stephen P []
Sent: August-11-15 12:04 PM
To: Jordan, Stephen P <>
Subject: Workshop on the Frontiers of Quantum Information and Computer Science


Dear Friends,


We are holding a quantum information workshop at the University of Maryland from September 28-October 2. You are all of course invited, and furthermore, you are invited to circulate the announcement (below) on the mailing lists of your research groups or institutions. As you can see, we have a great lineup of speakers. I hope to see you there.


Best regards,


Stephen Jordan



The Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science (QuICS) is organizing a five-day workshop — “The Frontiers of Quantum Information and Computer Science” — at the University of Maryland from Sept. 28 through Oct. 2, 2015. The workshop will bring together leading experts from around the world to share and discuss recent advances at the frontiers of quantum information and computer science. The workshop overlaps with the QuICS long-term visitor program in Fall 2015. Participation includes, but is not limited to, the visiting scientists in this program. QuICS is a research partnership between the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the University of Maryland.




Participation: Attendees must register by Sept. 11, 2015. Hotel rooms must be booked by Sept. 1 to obtain the group rate. There will be an opportunity for participants to present posters.


Invited Speakers:


Scott Aaronson, MIT

Robin Blume-Kohout, Sandia National Laboratory

Michael Bremner, University of Technology, Sydney

Edward Farhi, MIT

Steve Flammia, University of Sydney

David Gosset, Caltech

Daniel Gottesman, Perimeter Institute

Jeongwan Haah, MIT

Aram Harrow, MIT

Robin Kothari, MIT

Debbie Leung, Waterloo

Seth Lloyd, MIT

Chris Monroe, University of Maryland

Daniel Nagaj, University of Vienna

Māris Ozols, University of Cambridge

Martin Roetteler, Microsoft Research

Norbert Schuch, Aachen University

Mario Szegedy, Rutgers

Thomas Vidick, Caltech

Lorenza Viola, Dartmouth

James Whitfield, University of Vienna

Beni Yoshida, Caltech

Mark Zhandry, Stanford

Shengyu Zhang*, Chinese University of Hong Kong

