From: Andris Ambainis []
Sent: January-07-15 9:34 AM
Subject: Postdoc positions in quantum computing and quantum information


Dear colleagues,


we have an opening for a postdoc positions in our group. If you know anyone who might be interested, please forward this annoucement to them.


Best wishes (and I apologize for the mass mailing),



Postdoc positions in quantum computing and quantum information


Applications are invited for postdoctoral positions in the group of Andris Ambainis at the Faculty of Computing, University of Latvia. Our research group is interested in the following research topics:

quantum algorithms and complexity theory;

quantum communication, quantum information theory and cryptography;

connections between quantum computing and classical computer science (using ideas from quantum information to solve classical problems);

using ideas from quantum information to study physical systems.

We are looking for candidates with an interest in one or more of these topics. Candidates can be:


quantum information/quantum computing theorists interested in the topics above or

classical computer scientists interested in exploring the connections between classical and quantum computer science.

Applicants should send their CV (including contact data of possible references) to Andris Ambainis ( Applications received by February 1, 2015 will receive full consideration; late applications will be considered until the positions are filled. The appointment will be for a period of 2 or 3 years.


The positions will be funded by an Advanced Grant from European Research Council (ERC, Europe's organization for funding top-level scientists) and grants from EU's Future and Emerging Technologies program.