From: Joe Renes []
Sent: September-24-14 4:52 AM
Subject: QEC 2014


Dear colleagues,

We would like to officially announce the Third International Conference on Quantum Error Correction, which will take place in Zurich December 15-19, 2014. Topics include fault tolerance, dynamical decoupling, topological codes, applications to crypto... essentially everything related to quantum error correction, both experimental and theoretical (though with more emphasis on the latter).

For more information, including a list of invited speakers, see the conference webpage at Registration, available via the webpage, will be open shortly. Due to space constraints, there is a limit of 130 participants.

We invite contributions for talks and posters. Please send a short description of the result/topic (not more than 1/2 page) and a link to the full paper to, by Halloween (October 31). Notification of accepted talks and posters will be made by November 7.

Please forward this email to all interested parties.

On behalf of the organization committee,

Volkher Scholz & Joseph Renes