ýThis may be of interest to some of you.

Joseph Emerson
Department of Applied Math &
Institute for Quantum Computing
University of Waterloo
From: Easwar Magesan <emagesa@us.ibm.com>
Sent: Friday, August 1, 2014 5:17 PM
To: jemerson@math.uwaterloo.ca
Subject: IBM postdoc positions

Hi Joseph,

I hope everything is well. I'm not sure if you guys received this already (see below) but if not do you mind sending this to anyone you think might be interested (IQC/PI)?



IBM Research is seeking a highly talented Ph.D. to work as a Post Doctoral Researcher in the Theory of Quantum Computing and Information group. We are looking for an accomplished researcher with a record of creative work in the areas of quantum error correction and fault-tolerance, topological quantum order, quantum algorithms and complexity theory.  The candidate is expected to carry out high-impact theoretical research in at least one of these areas. Fruitful collaboration with other members of our group is expected. Senior members of our group include 

Lev Bishop
Charles Bennett
Sergey Bravyi
Andrew Cross
Jay Gambetta
Easwar Magesan
Graeme Smith
John Smolin

We are in frequent interaction with IBM's strong effort in superconducting quantum computing. 
