Reminder: CMT/PIQuDos seminar by Roger Mong tomorrow at 16:00 in the Time room.  -Gus

On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 10:03 PM, Gus Gutoski <> wrote:
The topic has changed for Roger Mong's PIQuDos seminar on Wed Mar 19 at 16:00 in the Time room.  New title and abstract below.  -Gus

Title: Universal topological quantum computation from a superconductor/Abelian quantum Hall heterostructure
Speaker: Roger Mong (Caltech)

Abstract: Non-Abelian anyons promise to reveal spectacular features of quantum mechanics that could ultimately provide the foundation for a decoherence-free quantum computer.  The Moore-Read quantum Hall state and a (relatively simple) two-dimensional p+ip superconductor both support Ising non-Abelian anyons, also referred to as Majorana zero modes.  Here we construct a novel two-dimensional superconductor in which charge-2e Cooper pairs are built from fractionalized quasiparticles, and like the Z3 Read-Rezayi state, harbors Fibonacci anyons that--unlike Ising anyons--allow for universal topological quantum computation solely through braiding.