Reminder: PIQuDos seminar by Sergey Bravyi tomorrow at 16:00 in the Time room (room 294).  -Gus

On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 10:07 AM, Gus Gutoski <> wrote:
Please join us on Wednesday, November 27 at 4pm in the Time room for a quantum information seminar by Sergey Bravyi.

Title: Homological Product Codes
Speaker: Sergey Bravyi (IBM)

Abstract:  Quantum codes with low-weight stabilizers known as LDPC codes have been actively studied recently due to their potential applications in fault-tolerant quantum computing. However, all families of quantum LDPC codes known to this date suffer from a poor distance scaling limited by the square-root of the code length. This is in a sharp contrast with the classical case where good families of LDPC codes are known that combine constant encoding rate and linear distance. Here we propose the first family of good quantum codes with low-weight stabilizers. The new codes have a constant encoding rate, linear distance, and stabilizers acting on at most square root of n qubits,
where n is the code length. For comparison, all previously known families of good quantum codes have stabilizers of linear weight. Our proof combines two techniques: randomized constructions of good quantum codes and the homological product operation from algebraic topology. We conjecture that similar methods can produce good stabilizer codes with stabilizer weight n^a for any a>0. Finally, we apply the homological product to construct new small codes with low-weight stabilizers.

This is a joint work with Matthew Hastings.

Date: Wednesday, November 27, 2013.
Time: 16:00
Location: Time Room (294)

Sergey will be at PI from Tuesday, November 26 until Thursday, November 28.
