Please join us on Wednesday, September 25 at 4pm for our first quantum information seminar of the academic year by Adam Paetznick.

Title: Universal fault-tolerant quantum computation with only transversal gates and error correction
Speaker: Adam Paetznick (Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo)

Transversal implementations of encoded unitary gates are highly desirable for fault-tolerant quantum computation.  It is known, however, that transversal gates alone cannot be computationally universal.  I will show that the limitation on universality can be circumvented using only fault-tolerant error correction, which is already required anyway.  This result applies to "triorthogonal" stabilizer codes, which were recently introduced by Bravyi and Haah for state distillation.  I will show that triothogonal codes admit transversal implementation of the controlled-controlled-Z gate, and then demonstrate a transversal Hadamard construction which uses error correction to preserve the codespace. I will also discuss how to adapt the distillation procedure of Bravyi and Haah to Toffoli gates, improving on existing Toffoli distillation schemes.

Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 - 4:00 pm
Location: Time Room (294)
