From: Marcelo Terra Cunha []
Sent: January-07-13 8:24 AM
To: Marcelo Terra Cunha
Subject: Post-doc at Brazil, with joint supervision of Andreas Winter and Marcelo Terra Cunha


Dear Colleague,


Please call the attention of any potential candidate that you know (and sorry in case of multiple receiving).


If you are a young Mathematician with (or about to receive) a PhD title and has sound interest and knowledge in (at least) one of the above areas:

- Quantum Information Theory (e.g. Quantum Shannon Theory);

- Graph Theory and Combinatorics applied to Quantum Information;

- Random Structures and the "Quantum Probabilistic Method"; 

- Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (Contextuality, Nonlocality, Entanglement, and the quest for good axioms for quantum theory);

- Foundations of Statistical Mechanics, specially the program of deducing Statistical Mechanics as a consequence of massive system-environment entanglement; 

and want to spend one (or two) years at Belo Horizonte, Brazil, as a post-doc at Math Department of UFMG (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais), under the supervision of Marcelo Terra Cunha and straight collaboration with Prof. Andreas Winter, please send a short CV and a proposal (not more than four pages) to marcelo.terra.cunha[at]


Practical Information:

- Scholarship of about R$ 3.700 per month, tax-free; 

- Beginning in April 2013, or any other date that seems better;

- Deadline is 28th February, but the sooner the better;

- This is part of the Project Science without Borders, from Brazilian Government and the Brazilian agency Capes;

- Our group also consist of Dr. Raphael Drumond, Dr. Marcelo França Santos, Dr. Sebastião de Pádua, and Prof. Carlos Monken (spanning from Mathematics to Experimental Quantum Optics) and many grad and undergrad students. Besides Prof. Andreas Winter, we also receive regular visits from Prof. Adán Cabello (also a Science Without Borders visitor), and sporadic visits of both, senior and young researchers; You can also take benefit of the collaborative environment of both departments: Mathematics and Physics;

- Theoretical Physicists with a sound background in Math are also welcome to apply;

- If you enrol in the activities, you may have access to the grants of the group, specially the ones offered by the Brazilian National Institute of Science and Technology on Quantum Information;

- There are other opportunities that may be explained upon demand.


Quantum Regards,

Marcelo Terra Cunha and Andreas Winter