Hi all,

this is a reminder of Luigi Amico's talk today at 4pm in the Time Room.

Best wishes,

Title: Entanglement transition in quantum magnets
Speaker: Luigi Amico (University of Catania)

Entanglement is a defining feature of quantum mechanics that in recent years has led to the development of the new discipline of quantum information theory. Its application to spin systems predicts a new type of zero temperature transition in an applied magnetic field at which the nature of the entanglement qualitatively changes without any anomaly  in the ground state energy of the system. I will discuss the correlations near such an entanglement transition. I will report on the first attempt to observe the phenomenon with a neutron scattering experiment in a one dimensional quantum magnet.

Date: October 22, 2012 - 4:00 pm
Series: Perimeter Institute Quantum Discussions
Location: Time Room