From: Charles Bennett []
Sent: July-27-12 10:40 AM
Cc: Chris Blumer
Subject: postdoctoral opening with IBM Yorktown Physics of Information group


Dear Colleague,

The physics of information group at IBM Research Yorktown is
seeking applications for one or more postdoc positions.  We are
looking for an accomplished researcher with a record of creative
work in quantum information, quantum computation and complexity
theory, many-body physics, error correction, cryptography, or
related topics.  The ideal candidate would be able to interact
fruitfully with other members of our group on a wide range of
research topics.  Other members of our group include Sergey
Bravyi, Ching-tzu Chen, Jay Gambetta,  Graeme Smith,  John Smolin,
Chang Tsuei, Mark Ketchen (manager), and postdocs Maris Ozols
and C. Jess Riedel.  We are in frequent interaction  with IBM's strong
experimental effort in superconducting quantum computing.

If you have any strong candidates, please let me know, and have
them forward their CVs to my secretary Chris Blumer (email above).

Note my new email address above.  My former Watson email has been discontinued.

Yours truly,

Charles H. Bennett
(Senior member, IBM Physics of Information group)