From: MyVisit []
Sent: January 4, 2012 5:25 PM
To: MyVisit
Subject: KITP Announcement - QCONTROL13


Dear Colleagues,


We are writing to announce the program Control of Complex Quantum Systems, to be held at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara, during the period January 7 – March 29, 2013, and to alert you that applications are now being accepted.  We also encourage you to inform others who you think may be interested in applying. To apply, go to the web page and click on the Apply link.  Note that the application deadline is January 30, 2012.


We coordinators will be assisted by advisors John Martinis, Margaret Murnane, John Preskill, and Peter Zoller.  A summary and the latest information about the program can be found online.   


There will also be a conference associated with this program, entitled "New Directions in the Quantum Control Landscape" to be held from February 25  March 1, 2013.  Further information will be posted online when it becomes available.  (It is not necessary to be a program participant in order to attend the conference.)


It is necessary for every prospective participant to set up an account and apply online, even if we have already corresponded with you about the program.  Please send in your application as early as possible, including your proposed length of stay and any financial requirements. 


KITP programs differ from many conferences and workshops in that they create a situation where scientists learn from each other and actually do substantive research, often collaborating with other participants. To foster these interactions, KITP strongly encourages theorists to stay for as long as possible, with three weeks being the minimum stay for a regular participant.  We understand, however, that experimentalists/observers often cannot manage long visits but can have a big impact even in a week, so we can be more flexible for them.


KITP provides office and computing facilities on-site at UC Santa Barbara and also provides help in finding living accommodations.  Actual commitments of office space andfinancial support can be made only by written formal invitations from the KITP Director, David Gross, regardless of any communications you may have had with us.


Some level of financial support will be available, the amount depending on the needs of the participants and availability of funds.  For participants considering bringing children for periods of four weeks or more, there may be supplementary support availablethrough the Rice Family Fund.  Late applications will be considered as budget and space permits.


Sincerely yours,


Tommaso Calarco <tommaso.calarco [at]>

Ivan Deutsch <ideutsch [at]>

Gerard Milburn <milburn [at]>

Birgitta Whaley <whaley [at]>