Dear all,

the series of Q+ hangouts continues with a talk given by the leading author of the paper that has generated so much fuss in the last weeks:

Speaker: Matthew Pusey from Imperial College.

Title: The quantum state cannot be interpreted statistically

Abstract: What is the quantum state? One view is that a pure state is a physical property of system, much like position and momentum in classical mechanics. Another is that even a pure state has only a statistical significance, akin to a probability distribution in statistical mechanics. We use a particular family of measurements to show that it is difficult to maintain the latter view without rejecting the idea that quantum systems have any physical properties at all.


A Q+ hangout is a broadcast seminar using the hangout feature of Google+. Participation is limited at the moment. IQC was given one of the available slots. To take part in the hangout, please join us on in RAC1 2009 on Wednesday November 30th at 9am.

For more information please refer to

