From: VCQ-Office []
Sent: November 11, 2011 7:44 AM
Subject: The VCQ invites applications for the Vienna Quantum Fellowships


Dear Colleagues!


The Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ)  invites applications for the newly established Vienna Quantum Fellowships!


We  would like to ask you to bring the advertisement below (and attached) to the attention of appropriate candidates at your institute / department / group.


Thank you very much in advance.


With kind regards from Vienna,

Markus Aspelmeyer & Jörg Schmiedmayer



Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ)

Faculty of Physics, University of Vienna

Boltzmanngasse 5

1090 Wien

phone: +43 1 4277 72531

fax: +43 1 4277 9512








The Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ) invites applications for the


Vienna Quantum Fellowships


These newly established Fellowships in Experimental or Theoretical Quantum Science will be awarded both on the PhD- and the postdoc-level on the basis of an international competition. The appointments are for a three-year duration. Postdoctoral Fellowships carry a competitive annual salary, and offer an annual research expense fund. PhD Fellowships will participate in the Vienna graduate program CoQuS.


The Vienna Quantum Fellowship program has been established with the support from the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research to offer young scientists the best possible opportunity to develop their talents in the environment of the Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ).


The VCQ faculty provides a broad variety of research opportunities in the areas of Experimental and Theoretical Quantum Science (see



Application material should be sent to

Copies of the curriculum vitae with email address, publications list and statement of research interests are required. The application should be accompanied by at least two letters of recommendation.


Additional information can be obtained from

Deadline for the application is December 31, 2011. Fellowship candidates will automatically be considered for other available postdoctoral positions in their fields of interest.

