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From: Daniel Lidar <lidar@usc.edu>
Date: Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 6:11 PM
Subject: QEC11 announcement
To: Daniel Lidar <lidar@usc.edu>

(apologies if you have received this announcement before)

QEC11, the Second International Conference on Quantum Error Correction, which will be held Dec. 5-9, 2011 in Los Angeles at USC, is now open for registration, submission of contributed talks, and posters. A limited number of submissions will be accepted after review. The homepage is at http://qserver.usc.edu/qec11/ and registration can be done at http://qserver.usc.edu/qec11/reg.html.

>From the conference homepage:
Quantum error correction of decoherence and faulty control operations forms the backbone of all of quantum information processing. In spite of remarkable progress on this front ever since the discovery of quantum error correcting codes more than a decade ago, there remain important open problems in both theory and applications to real physical systems. In short, a theory of quantum error correction that is at the same time comprehensive and realistically applicable has not yet been discovered. Therefore the subject remains a very active area of research with a continuing stream of progress and breakthroughs.

The Second International Conference on Quantum Error Correction, hosted by the USC Center for Quantum Information Science & Technology (CQIST), will bring together a wide group of experts to discuss all aspects of decoherence control and fault tolerance. The subject is at this point in time of a mostly theoretical nature, but the conference will include talks surveying the latest experimental progress, and will seek to promote an interaction between theoreticians and experimentalists.

Topics of interest include, in random order: fault tolerance and thresholds, pulse control methods (dynamical decoupling), hybrid methods, applications to cryptography, decoherence-free subspaces and noiseless subsystems, operator quantum error correction, advanced codes (convolutional codes, catalytic, entanglement assisted, ...), topological codes, fault tolerance in the cluster model, fault tolerance in linear optics QC, fault tolerance in condensed matter systems, unification of error correction paradigms, self-correcting systems, error correction/avoidance via energy gaps, error correction in adiabatic QC, composite pulses, continuous-time QEC, error correction for specific errors (e.g., spontaneous emission), etc.