From: ICSSUR2011 FEYNFEST2011 []
Sent: February 7, 2011 3:47 PM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: ICSSUR2011 and FEYNFEST2011: deadline registration March 10 (YS Kim list)



12th International Conference on Squeezed States and Uncertainty Relations


5th Feynman Festival / International conference


Deadline for registration: March 10


Dear Colleagues


The Conferences will be held in Mabu Resort, a 5 star hotel, having naturally warm water pools and it is located nearby the Iguaçu Falls.

We have inserted new informations in the web page, please look at them by clicking on the above logos. On hotel reservation contact Mrs Luciana Zanotto (e-mail address in the webpage)


Please do your registration and also divulge the events among your colleagues and fellows in your e-mail lists encouraging them to register. 


Also, find attached the Conferences poster as a pdf file. Please, print and divulge it. 


Best wishes,



Salomon S Mizrahi

on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee and Program


Kim's List