[quantum-info] Today's PIQuDos

Markus Mueller markus14m at gmail.com
Wed Mar 21 10:06:51 EDT 2012

A reminder of Victor Veitch's talk at 4pm in the Time room at PI.

Title: *Negative Quasi-Probability Representation is a Necessary 
Resource for Quantum Computation*
Speaker: Victor Veitch (IQC)

The magic state model of quantum computation gives a recipe for 
universal quantum computation using perfect Clifford operations and 
repeat preparations of a noisy ancilla state. It is an open problem to 
determine which ancilla states enable universal quantum computation in 
this model. Here we show that for systems of odd dimension a necessary 
condition for a state to enable universal quantum computation is that it 
have negative representation in a particular quasi-probability 
representation which is a discrete analogue to the Wigner function. This 
condition implies the existence of a large class of bound states for 
magic state distillation: states which cannot be prepared using Clifford 
operations but do not enable universal quantum computation.

Date: March 21, 2012 - 4:00 pm
Series: Perimeter Institute Quantum Discussions
Location: Time Rm

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