When installing OSXFUSE, select the "MacFUSE Compatibility Layer"

(makes no sense to me either).

When configuring a SSHFS connection, you may need to specify a home folder like


Also I have had problems, deleting connections so avoid creating new ones.

In the Preferences, check "the macfusion agent" and "the macfusion menu item"

The cons to this as opposed to Samba mainly have to with group files.

For a group account, you probably have to ssh in as "the group"

which then won't indicate that you specifically changed the file.

If you ssh as yourself, it probably won't recognize that you are a member

of the group that should be able to write to the folder.

You have to be able to ssh into the machine so won't work directly to a NetApp.

(You can SMB directly to a NetApp.)

Mac$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

MAC$ cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ~/Desktop/authorized_keys

Fugu:  ~/Desktop/authorized_keys to UNIX box: ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

(or append it somehow if already exists)

Remove any group or other permissions.