Fab FemPhys folks ~

We will be kicking off our first reading group discussion of the fall term this Thursday from 5-6pm in the FemPhys room (Phys 104)!  

Since there are only a few days until we meet, we picked a short and snappy reading: two articles from Bitch Media, published about a year apart.  Both discuss the incorporation of ayahuasca (and other hallucinogens traditionally used by indigenous people) into western medical treatments and recreation, but from quite different perspectives: one critiques spiritual tourism and the colonizing practices of white tourists, while the other celebrates the gender diversity of scientists studying psychotheraputic properties of these substances.

The links are below, and a few copies will be available to read in the FemPhys room!  The pdfs will be posted in the FemPhys Reading Group facebook page soon.  

We're looking forward to discussing these articles with you :)

<3 FemPhys Librarians,
Morgan & Sherry

