Hey y'all,

There are a few fun things happening with FemPhys this week:

1. Fall Exec Applications!
FemPhys is looking for a rad exec team for the fall term. We'd like to encourage people of all genders, in physics or just interested in physics, grad or undergrad to apply! No experience or previous work with FemPhys is needed. Fill out this form by August 14: http://goo.gl/forms/wDKZ1e28cnYX5KUG2.

2. FemTalks: Feminism 101 - Tuesday July 19 5pm - PHY 308
There's a lot out there to learn about feminism & so many places to start. Here's one of those places: a guided discussion covering basic facts, common questions, and some definitions relevant to feminism here and now. We intend this discussion to be a space for people who are not or are somewhat familiar with the language and motivations of feminism. We encourage you to bring an open mind and lots of questions. Everyone is welcome!
(Event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/833067316798120/)

3. Summer Picnic: Potluck in the Park - Saturday July 23 3-6pm - Waterloo Park (East Side)
Celebrate another term, another summer, another Saturday! Bring your favourite allergy-conscious snack, dish, dessert, or beverage to share. FemPhys will bring some plates and cutlery. Don't forget a blanket, sun protection, and your friends! All are welcome.
(Event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1722913951301251/)

4. Tea & Talk - 12-1pm every Tuesday - Egg Fountain (Between MC & Chemistry 2)
Come hang out and chat with the lovely folks of FemPhys over a refreshing cup of iced tea. This event is ongoing until the end of exams.

Please feel free to send an email to femphys@gmail.com if you have any questions or accessibility concerns. Thanks for listening- hope to see you around! 

Laura Chandler
FemPhys President