Hi everyone!

Here are some key dates for the FASS Fall Variety Show:
- Writers' Read-Through: Thurs Aug 29, 7-10 pm, 59 Blackhorne Drive, Kitchener
(Come get a sneak preview of the script and help polish it up before auditions)
- Auditions: Tues-Thurs Sept 3-5, 7-10 pm, HH 123&124
(Come for ~1 hour on any of the days and be part of the show! Actors, tech, band, etc all welcome to attend so we can meet you and find a way for you to get involved)
- Cast & Crew Read-Through - Sun Sept 8, 1-4 pm, HH 150
(Actors will find out their parts, everyone will meet the council & board, and run through the script)

If you're looking to help out behind the scenes with tech or management, please email Jen at cc@fass.uwaterloo.ca and she'll connect you with the right person.

And remember, the show itself is Oct 4&5.

Hope to see you out!