Hi everyone,

I’m Diana Skrzydlo (better known as Dee) and I’m delighted to take on the role of FASS President for 2019-2020. I love FASS and I am deeply committed to making it a safe place where everyone can feel welcome and included.

Joining me on the 2019-2020 board are Company Coordinator Jen Farmer and Representatives Chris Lolas, Matt Mustin, Victoria Robertson, and Alex McVittie, along with Presidential Advisor Anton Markov.

I’d like to officially announce that applications for Treasurer and Creative Liaison will be accepted until Sunday April 21 at 11:59 PM. If you are interested in applying for either of these positions, please email prez@fass.uwaterloo.ca with which position you're applying for and a brief outline of your qualifications. Descriptions of the positions are at the bottom of this email, or you can feel free to talk to any of the past holders of the positions.

Thanks everyone for putting your trust in me. I’m looking forward to working with the new Board and helping guide the FASS family in this coming year.


P.S. Minutes from the AGM can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Dj9AM9UikmuAse4Ex3NRJAYeJWIXQ8gSb1tEo_e6w-k

Treasurer is responsible for:

Creative Liaison is responsible for: