Hello again!

Apologies for the extra e-mail, but I forgot to explicitly state that applications for both Treasurer and Creative Liaison for the 2019-2020 Board are now open. The deadlines will be announced by the new Board after the AGM (which takes place Sunday, April 7th at noon!)

This is in addition to the 6 positions being elected to the Board at the AGM. Those elected individuals (along with the Presidential Advisor) will be selecting the new Treasurer and Creative Liaison.

The Treasurer is in charge of maintaining financial records, preparing a budget with input from the Board, and handling the reimbursement of expenses.

The Creative Liaison runs the Show Council and is responsible for coordination between different areas of the production (along with many other responsibilities - they delegate a lot!)

Full descriptions of these positions are in the AGM agenda: 
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gDojcaoxiXDFUcx1QkWzkpiXV4CFox8tmdYiBYWDGnQ/view#heading=h.41ackmbx5kuv (as well as in the Constitution)

Please let me know if you have any questions, or reach out to the current members holding these positions. Their contact information is at http://fass.uwaterloo.ca/boardshowcouncil


Anton Markov
FASS 2018-2019