Hey Double Degrees,


DDC is now accepting orders for our annual clothing sale!


We're thrilled to be selling both sweaters and long-sleeve t-shirts this year. Sweaters will come in either black or maroon, and will be $30. T-shirts will come in either black or navy blue, and will be $17. You can view the designs and sizing at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lvnPR49DftpJOilYPJkwEYNRSNb2V7DV/view?usp=sharing . Prices include shipping, taxes, and PayPal fees. 


To order, send an email to finance@ddclub.ca with the following:

After we receive your email, you will receive a PayPal link to pay for your order. If you don't have PayPal, see if a friend can order for you. 


The deadline to submit orders is Wednesday, September 19th by 11:59pm. Clothing will arrive sometime in October and will be available for pickup at the DDC office.


Let us know if you have further questions, issues with payment, or are unable to use PayPal.